Bay Area Prabasi Inc Default Banner
Bay Area Prabasi Inc

Bay Area Prabasi Inc verified


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Durga Puja 2017

Durga Puja 2017

  • Sep 30, 2017 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
  • Chabot College,Hesperian Boulevard, 25555, Hayward, California, 94545

About Us

Prabasi - Past and Present! PRABASI is a non-profit socio-cultural organization of the Bengalis of the San Francisco Bay Area, founded in 1974. This is the largest and oldest organization of Bengalis and Bengali-loving people in Northern California. Our goals are broadly defined in our vision and mission statement. We have open communication with all our members. Prabasi also has an interesting history. To promote a feeling of togetherness, Prabasi is a membership based organization.
