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Spark 2019 - Compete for a cause

Spark 2019 - Compete for a cause

  • May 18, 2019 | 9:00 AM - 11:30 PM
  • Raymond J. Fisher Middle School,19195 Fisher Ave, Los Gatos, CA, 95032

About Us

Aram Sei ( tamil: help others) is a registered 501 (c ) (3), non-profit organization with a vision to support grassroots charities worldwide with specific focus on education and healthcare. We are a fully volunteer driven organization represented by an eclectic mix of personalities from diverse fields such as engineers, entrepreneurs, IT, human resources, finance and sales professionals. In furtherance to our core value of “sowing the seed of giving in the minds of the young”, Aram Sei organizes an annual event, SPARK – Compete for a cause, a fun yet meaningful way for students to be part of a cause.
