Google Gadothgajan Comedy Drama (SF Bay Area)
Crazy Mohan is coming BACK to the bay area with his latest play Google Gadothgajan
Ayyappa Samaaj is pleased to bring Comedy King Crazy Mohan and Crazy Creations back to the bay area, after a gap of five years, to stage their latest blockbuster comedy drama Google Gadothgajan.
This drama, a sequel to the popular Chocolate Krishna, is a MUST SEE for people of all ages. Crazy Mohan continues to deliver high quality family friendly plays, and attracts the newer generation of drama and art lovers with his typical word play, interspersed with juvenile jokes and situations.
It is wonderful to see Google Gadothgajan come to the birthplace of Google.
Ticketing opens in April. Please bookmark this page and get your tickets early to get prime seats.
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