Film " Bijoya " SF Bay Area Premiere
"Bijoya" is the sequel to acclaimed Director Kaushik Ganguly's film "Bishorjon" - which received the coveted Indian National Film Award in 2017. Kaushik Ganguly delves into the unfinished story of Padma ( played by talented Jaya Ahsan ) , Nasir Ali ( played by much-adored Abir Chatterjee ) and the hit-character of Ganesh Mondol - played by none other than the Director himself - Kaushik Ganguly .
In " Bijoya " - Padma is married to Ganesh Mondol . An emergency situation brings them to Kolkata - and in a twist of fate - they meet Nasir Ali . Then fate leaves, and circumstances and emotions take over laying down an intricate array of situations making this a must-watch film .
" Bijoya " is produced by Opera Movies and distributed in the United States by Bioskope Films . " Bijoya " has been running successfully in Kolkata for the last 50 weeks - with wide audience praise !