Dhaka Attack Movie Premiere Bay Area
"Dhaka Attack" - a Film by young Director Dipankar Dipon - is a Police Action drama based on the concept/story by Sunny Sanowar. The capital city Dhaka is gripped with fear from an individual who has started a bombing campaign to terroize the city. And a Special Police Unit is racing against time to apprehend him. Arefin Shuvo stars as one of the Lead Officers of that unit along with ABM Shumon - ably supported by actors Shotapdi Wadud, Afzal Hossain and Hasan Imam. Actress Mahiya Mahi stars as the investigative journalist who gets imbroiled herself as part of the plot. Young debutant Actor Taskin Rahman - the blue-eyed Australian-Bangladeshi actor - has captured the attention of the movie-going crowd in this movie .
"Dhaka Attack" - is on its way to become the highest grossing Bangladeshi movie of all time and has enjoyed tremendous success in screenings in Italy, France, Denmark, Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Canada and not to mention - Middle East and Bangladesh.
Bioskope Films LLC is proud to bring this film for our USA viewers and has the U.S.A. territorial screening rights.
The Film is 2 hrs 27 mins. and has English sub-titles .