EventMozo Blog

Sangeeta rocked on Valentine Day

  • By EventMozo
  • December 2, 2019
blog Bollywood

So,  the Concert night has FINALLY ended up on 9th of February 2018…with the sensations of vibrating songs and yeah CRAZY audience !!

Crowd have got an awesome feeling of love , buzz has eventually killed though with long queues to get there passes and wristbands, the longer queue for the security check with full of excited audience to see the performance of Sangeeta kopalkar- the star lady of the rocking night !!

The excitement of the huge crowd during her performance was all evident from the continuous echo of Clapping, Cheering and Whistling ….

With the stage bathed with lights and spotlight on her, she delivered the songs final verse and waved as she excited the stage.

And with additional food, DJ and playback music and lucky draws and raffles added with ALL, that dancing, jumping and fist pumping for 3 whole hours by the energetic audience it successfully ended up with huge applause and once more ! once more ! cheers …

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